The terms ‘lessons’ and ‘services’ are used interchangeably, as are the terms ‘students’ and ‘(service) users’.
The lessons/services provided to students/(service) users might be referred to as an ‘arrangement’ or ‘agreement’.
‘I’ is myself, Fleur. ‘You’ refers to students/(service) users.
Lesson Fees
My fees will be notified to you in advance of any service being provided. You will, of course, be free to accept or decline the offer made. My fees start from £35 for a 90-minute lesson and £15 per 1,000 words for proofreading. I may charge more based on the following factors:
- lessons: the nature and time of the lessons; and
- proofreading: the quality of the writing and the deadline.
Payment Information
Payment details will be given to you in advance of any service being provided. I will also agree payment terms with you. These will usually be per lesson, per week or per month, although other arrangements are also possible. I can also issue you with an invoice.
Our agreement might be ended by either myself or yourself at any time for any reason without notice. Payment for services already rendered must, of course, be made.
In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with any service provided, please let me know and I will do my best to resolve the issue. I will check with you periodically to make sure that you are satisfied with the service that I am providing and ask for feedback. I am always open to your comments.
In order for me to provide certain services to you, you might share sensitive documents with me. These are treated as private and confidential. They are stored securely on my personal computer which no-one else has access to and are not sent or shown to any third parties. I will retain your files for up to 3 months after we finish using them, at which point I will delete them, unless you ask me not to.
Lesson Cancellation
I do not have strict rules about cancellations. I would obviously like it if you did not cancel lessons at the last minute. I prefer 24 hours’ or, better still, 48 hours’ notice. However, I understand that this is not always possible, so I try to be flexible. I do ask that you show me the same courtesy though and value my time as much as yours. In rare situations where cancellations become a problem, I will talk to you about them and it might be necessary to come to a different arrangement.
Make-up Lessons
In the unlikely event that I myself have to cancel a lesson, I will do my best to reschedule for the same week. Similarly, I ask that, if you have to cancel a lesson, you try to reschedule for the same week also.
I would obviously like it if you arrived on time to every lesson, but I appreciate that lateness is sometimes unavoidable. Please notify me of any (possible) lateness as soon as you become aware of it. If it is up to 15 minutes, I will usually still be able to provide the full lesson time to you, but this might not always be possible if you are later than that. If I am late myself, I will also do my best to still provide the full lesson time to you. If I am unable to, the time will be added onto the following lesson.
Lesson Requirements
You obviously need to bring the learning materials we are working on to the lesson, as well as pen and paper unless you prefer to use an electronic device. For proofreading carried out in person, you will need to bring a laptop with you, with a full battery. There might be times when I will ask you to bring something else with you. I do not require you to purchase any books for our lessons. I will provide copies of all lesson materials to you. I might send homework or materials for self-study by email. In the case of online lessons, I will either email materials to you or let you know how you can access them.
Code of Conduct
You must behave in an appropriate, respectful and non-threatening/aggressive manner towards me at all times and I will, of course, behave in the same way towards you.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence which can result in you being excluded from your course and not obtaining your qualification. I am not able to write assignments for you and do not recommend you use any such service. I do, however, provide various levels of essay and writing support which will vary from student to student.
Limitation of Liability
Whilst I will, of course, endeavour to ensure that you make good progress, this cannot be guaranteed and I cannot be held accountable for your success or otherwise. I do not accept any liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage, foreseeable or otherwise, including any consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of my services or any errors or omissions in the content of my learning materials.
Updates to These Terms of Service
These terms of service might be updated at any time. Existing students will be notified of any changes.